Cross-curricular topics

Back to School Word Search Puzzle Activity with Colouring
Back to School word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. Combines a challenging word find activity with mindfulness colouring to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 40 words in a puzzle for older kids, teens and adults.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch puzzle. Also great for games nights and class parties. The perfect solution when you need an engaging and fun activity to support class activities.
1 page combining a Back to School word search puzzle with a mindfulness colouring page border.
Puzzle solution page.
Word list contains 40 words/phrases, including: back to school, announcements, backpack, examination, homework, new school year, pencils, reading, stationery, supplies, assembly, calculator, exams, lectures, notebooks, principal, schedule, teachers, study, classmates, friends, library, school bus, classrooms, home room, locker, sports, subjects, writing, and more.
Add some learning and fun to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
Brain break activity
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, morning work, literacy activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness colouring page for kids and adults.

School Supplies Word Search Puzzle Activity with Colouring | Back to School
Back to School - School Supplies word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. Combines a challenging word find activity with mindfulness colouring to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 32 words in a puzzle for older kids, teens and adults.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch puzzle. Also great for games nights and class parties. The perfect solution when you need an engaging and fun activity to support class activities.
1 page combining a School Supplies word search puzzle with a mindfulness colouring page border.
Puzzle solution page.
Word list contains 32 words/phrases, including: school supplies, pencils, pens, highlighter, eraser, ruler, scissors, tape, calculator, protractor, compass, sharpener, markers, notebook, paper, binder, dividers, index cards, backpack, water bottle, flash drive, headphones, planner, stapler, computer, laptop, charging cable, and more.
Add some learning and fun to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
Brain break activity
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, morning work, literacy activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness colouring page for kids and adults.

School Activities Word Search Puzzle Activity with Colouring | Back to School
Back to School - School Activities word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. Combines a challenging word find activity with mindfulness colouring to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 32 words in a puzzle for older kids, teens and adults.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch puzzle. Also great for games nights and class parties. The perfect solution when you need an engaging and fun activity to support class activities.
1 page combining a School Activities word search puzzle with a mindfulness colouring page border.
Puzzle solution page.
Word list contains 32 words/phrases, including: school, activities, lessons, assembly, classes, lunchtime, field trips, school play, musical, clubs, art projects, choir, band, orchestra, PE classes, science fair, career fair, book club, speeches, community service, drama, tutoring, sport, library, exams, and more.
Add some learning and fun to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
Brain break activity
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, morning work, literacy activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness colouring page for kids and adults.

School Subjects Word Search Puzzle Activity with Colouring | Back to School
Back to School - School Subjects word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. Combines a challenging word find activity with mindfulness colouring to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 32 words in a puzzle for older kids, teens and adults.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch puzzle. Also great for games nights and class parties. The perfect solution when you need an engaging and fun activity to support class activities.
1 page combining a School Subjects word search puzzle with a mindfulness colouring page border.
Puzzle solution page.
Word list contains 32 words/phrases, including: school, subjects, mathematics, science, English, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, literature, art, music, social studies, economics, languages, algebra, astronomy, drama, ethics, civics, and more.
Add some learning and fun to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
Brain break activity
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, morning work, literacy activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness colouring page for kids and adults.

School Day Word Search Puzzle Activity Page with Colouring | Back to School
Back to School - School Day word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. Combines a challenging word find activity with mindfulness colouring to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 32 words in a puzzle for older kids, teens and adults.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch puzzle. Also great for games nights and class parties. The perfect solution when you need an engaging and fun activity to support class activities.
1 page combining a School Day word search puzzle with a mindfulness colouring page border.
Puzzle solution page.
Word list contains 32 words/phrases, including: school day, routine, schedule, timetable, classes, teachers, lessons, backpack, carpool, bicycle, classmates, friends, books, homework, library, cafeteria, locker, attendance, study, learning, education, and more.
Add some learning and fun to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
Brain break activity
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, morning work, literacy activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness colouring page for kids and adults.

Getting to School Word Search Puzzle Activity with Colouring | Back to School
Back to School - Getting to School word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. Combines a challenging word find activity with mindfulness colouring to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 32 words in a puzzle for older kids, teens and adults.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch puzzle. Also great for games nights and class parties. The perfect solution when you need an engaging and fun activity to support class activities.
1 page combining a Getting to School word search puzzle with a mindfulness colouring page border.
Puzzle solution page.
Word list contains 32 words/phrases, including: school, transport, bus, car, transportation, car pool, ride, walk, subway, train, walking, taxi, bicycle, skateboard, scooter, bike, public transport, van, school bus, route, ferry, cycle, and more.
Add some learning and fun to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
Brain break activity
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, morning work, literacy activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness colouring page for kids and adults.

Ireland Word Search Puzzle with Colouring | Irish Wordsearch
Ireland word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. Combines a challenging word find activity with mindfulness colouring to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 32 words in a puzzle for older kids, teens and adults.
Perfect resource to help celebrate St Patrick’s Day in March.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch puzzle. Also great for games nights and class parties. The perfect solution when you need an engaging and fun activity to support class activities.
1 page combining an Ireland word search puzzle with a mindfulness colouring page border.
Puzzle solution page.
Word list contains 32 words/phrases, including: Ireland, Irish, Republic, Northern, Europe, North Channel, Irish Sea, Gaelic, Celtic, independence, music, dance, culture, Galway, Dublin, and more.
Add some learning and fun to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, literacy activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness colouring page for kids and adults.

Women's History Month Word Search Puzzle BUNDLE | 20 Wordsearch Puzzles
Women’s History Month word search puzzles / colouring page activity worksheets BUNDLE. Combines challenging word find activities with mindfulness colouring borders to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 20 women in history themed puzzles for older kids, teens and adults.
No prep, ready to print wordsearch puzzles.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with challenging printable wordsearch puzzles. The perfect solution when you need an engaging activity to support studies about history making women.
Includes the following 20 word search puzzles:
Women’s History Month
Ada Lovelace
Frida Kahlo
Eleanor Roosevelt
Harriet Tubman
Florence Nightingale
Helen Keller
Michelle Obama
Margaret Thatcher
Mother Teresa
Rosa Parks
Princess Diana
Sojourner Truth
Susan B. Anthony
Sonia Sotomayor
Jane Goodall
Emily Dickinson
Amelia Earhart
Ruby Bridges
Puzzle solution pages included.
Add some learning and engagement to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy Activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, literacy center activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness coloring page for kids and adults.

Women in STEM Word Search Puzzle BUNDLE | 10 Wordsearch Puzzles
Women in STEM word search puzzles / colouring page activity worksheets BUNDLE. Combines challenging word find activities with mindfulness colouring borders to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 10 Women in STEM themed puzzles for older kids, teens and adults.
No prep, ready to print wordsearch puzzles.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with challenging printable wordsearch puzzles. The perfect solution when you need an engaging activity to support studies about famous women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Includes the following 10 word search puzzles:
Marie Curie
Ada Lovelace
Florence Nightingale
Katherine Johnson
Chien-Shiung Wu
Rosalind Franklin
Dorothy Hodgkin
Elizabeth Blackwell
Adriana Ocampo
Radia Perlman
Puzzle solution pages included.
Add some learning and engagement to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy Activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, literacy center activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness coloring page for kids and adults.

Skiing Word Search Puzzle Activity Page | Winter Wordsearch
Skiing word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. No prep, printable activity sheet word find activity that will make a fun addition to your Winter studies.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch puzzle. Includes a black and white version which also has the enjoyment of being used as a coloring page activity.
• 1 Skiing word search puzzle in both a color version and a black and white version
• Puzzle solution page
Wordlist contains 18 words, including: skiing, downhill, cross country, goggles, skiers, helmet, gloves, and more.
Add some learning and fun to classroom Winter activities with a printable word puzzle. Great for extending seasonal vocabulary and also works for January and February sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Celebrating special days and seasons
Reinforcing ideas and elements of seasons
Memory aid for recalling traditions and seasonal celebrations
Literacy Activity
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, literacy activities, printable games word searches, word find, vocabulary bell ringers, seasonal holiday colouring page, winter themed activity.

Winter Word Search Puzzle Activity Pages BUNDLE | 12 Wordsearch Puzzles
Winter word search puzzles / colouring page activity worksheet BUNDLE. No prep, printable activity sheet word find activities that will make a fun addition to your winter and seasonal literacy activities.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with 12 fun printable wordsearch puzzles. Includes black and white versions which also have the enjoyment of being used as colouring page activities.
Includes the following 12 winter themed word search puzzles:
Hot Cocoa
Ice Skating
Winter Weather
Snowball Fight
Winter Clothing
Snow Day
Snow Angels
Snow Fort
All of the above in both colour and black and white versions.
Puzzle solution pages included.
Add some learning and fun to classroom seasonal activities with printable word puzzles. Great for extending vocabulary and also works for seasonal sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
High-quality artwork for crisp clear printing.
This resource is useful for:
Reinforcing knowledge
Celebrating special times of the year
Reinforcing ideas and elements of seasons
Memory aid for recalling aspects of the four seasons
Literacy Activity
Observation and visual skills
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, literacy centre activities, printable games word searches, word find vocabulary bell ringers, seasonal colouring pages.

February Word Search Puzzle Activity BUNDLE | 11 Wordsearch Puzzles
February word search puzzles / colouring page activity worksheet BUNDLE. No prep, printable activity sheet word find puzzles that will make a fun addition to your literacy activities.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with 11 fun printable wordsearch puzzles. Includes black and white versions which also have the enjoyment of being used as colouring page activities.
Includes the following 11 February themed word search puzzles:
Wetlands Animals (World Wetlands Day)
Read Aloud (World Read Aloud Day)
Pizza Party (World Pizza Day)
Valentine’s Day
Random Acts of Kindness (Random Acts of Kindness Day)
Whale (World Whale Day)
Skip the Straw (Skip the Straw Day)
Snowball Fight
All of the above in both colour and black and white versions.
Puzzle solution pages included.
The February Puzzle includes an index of puzzles and relevant dates for holidays and awareness days.
Add some learning and fun to classroom activities with printable word puzzles. Great for extending vocabulary and also works for February sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
High-quality artwork for crisp clear printing.
This resource is useful for:
Reinforcing knowledge
Celebrating special times of the year
Reinforcing ideas and elements of seasons
Memory aid
Literacy Activity
Observation and visual skills
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, literacy centre activities, printable games word searches, word find vocabulary bell ringers, seasonal colouring pages.

Winter Word Search Puzzle Activity Pages with Colouring BUNDLE | Seasons
Winter word search puzzles / colouring page activity worksheets BUNDLE. Combines challenging word find activities with mindfulness colouring borders to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 10 Winter themed puzzles for older kids, teens and adults.
No prep, ready to print wordsearch puzzles.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with challenging printable wordsearch puzzles. The perfect solution when you need an engaging activity to support studies about seasons.
Includes the following 10 word search puzzles:
Hot Cocoa
Ice Skating
Winter Weather
Snowball Fight
Winter Clothing
Snow Day
Snow Fort
Puzzle solution pages included.
Add some learning and engagement to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy Activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
© PuzzlesandPencils

Sport Word Search Puzzle Activity Pages with Colouring BUNDLE
Sport word search puzzles / colouring page activity worksheets BUNDLE. Combines challenging word find activities with mindfulness colouring borders to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 20 sport themed puzzles for older kids, teens and adults.
No prep, ready to print wordsearch puzzles.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with challenging printable wordsearch puzzles. The perfect solution when you need an engaging activity to support studies.
Includes the following 20 word search puzzles:
Field Hockey
Ice Hockey
Track and Field
Table Tennis
American Football (Gridiron)
Puzzle solution pages included.
Add some learning and engagement to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy Activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
Brain break activity
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, morning work, literacy center activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness coloring page for kids and adults.

Skiing Word Search Puzzle Activity Page with Colouring | Winter
Skiing word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. Combines a challenging word find activity with mindfulness colouring to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 32 words in a puzzle for older kids, teens and adults.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch puzzle. Also great for games nights and class parties. The perfect solution when you need an engaging and fun activity to support class activities.
1 page combining a Skiing word search puzzle with a mindfulness colouring page border.
Puzzle solution page.
Word list contains 32 words, including: skiing, winter, snow, skis, glide, sport, recreation, events, ski resort, ski lift, slope, and more.
Add some learning and fun to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
© PuzzlesandPencils.com
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, literacy activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness colouring page for kids and adults.

Pot of Gold Word Search Puzzle and Colouring | St Patrick's Day Wordsearch
Pot of Gold word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. No prep, printable activity sheet word find activity that will make a fun addition to your literacy center.
Perfect resource to celebrate St Patrick’s Day in March.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch puzzle. Includes a black and white version which also has the enjoyment of being used as a colouring page activity.
• 1 Pot of Gold word search puzzle in both a colour version and a black and white version
• Puzzle solution page
Word list contains 18 words, including: pot, gold, rainbow, Ireland, Irish, legend, leprechauns, coins, myth, treasure, and more.
Add some learning and fun to classroom St Patrick’s Day parties and celebrations with a printable word puzzle. Great for extending St Patrick’s Day vocabulary and also works for March sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finisher centers.
This resource is useful for:
• Celebrating special days and holidays
• Reinforcing ideas and elements of holidays
• Memory aid for recalling traditions and seasonal celebrations
• Spelling
• Literacy Center Activity
• Comprehension
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, literacy center activities, printable games word searches, word find vocabulary bell ringers, seasonal holiday colouring page.

St Patrick's Day Word Search Puzzle BUNDLE | 8 Wordsearch Puzzles
St Patrick’s Day word search puzzles / colouring page activity worksheet BUNDLE. No prep, printable activity sheet word find puzzles that will make a fun addition to your literacy activities.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with 8 fun printable wordsearch puzzles. Includes black and white versions which also have the enjoyment of being used as colouring page activities.
Includes the following 8 St Patrick’s Day themed word search puzzles:
St Patrick’s Day
Luck of the Irish
Pot of Gold
Things that are Green
All of the above in both colour and black and white versions.
Puzzle solution pages included.
Add some learning and fun to classroom activities with printable word puzzles. Great for extending vocabulary and also works for March sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
High-quality artwork for crisp clear printing.
This resource is useful for:
Reinforcing knowledge
Celebrating special times of the year
Reinforcing ideas and elements of holidays
Memory aid
Literacy Activity
Observation and visual skills
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, literacy centre activities, printable games word searches, word find vocabulary bell ringers.

St Patrick's Day Word Search Puzzle BUNDLE | 10 Wordsearch Puzzles
St Patrick’s Day word search puzzles / colouring page activity worksheets BUNDLE. Combines challenging word find activities with mindfulness colouring borders to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 10 St Patrick’s Day themed puzzles for older kids, teens and adults.
No prep, ready to print wordsearch puzzles.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with challenging printable wordsearch puzzles. The perfect solution when you need an engaging activity to support studies.
Includes the following 10 word search puzzles:
St Patrick’s Day
Pot of Gold
Luck of the Irish
Saint Patrick
Blarney Stone
Things that are Green
Puzzle solution pages included.
Add some learning and engagement to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy Activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, literacy center activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness coloring page for kids and adults.

Blarney Stone Word Search Puzzle with Colouring | St Patrick's Day Wordsearch
Blarney Stone word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. Combines a challenging word find activity with mindfulness colouring to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 32 words in a puzzle for older kids, teens and adults.
Perfect resource to celebrate St Patrick’s Day in March.
Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch puzzle. Also great for games nights and class parties. The perfect solution when you need an engaging and fun activity to support class activities.
1 page combining a Blarney Stone word search puzzle with a mindfulness colouring page border.
Puzzle solution page.
Word list contains 32 words/phrases, including: Blarney Stone, castle, Ireland, Irish, medieval, Cork, fortification, keep, machicolation, ruin, battlement, kiss, eloquence, legend, gift of gab, flattery, tower, folklore, and more.
Add some learning and fun to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for March sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.
This resource is useful for:
Vocabulary and terminology
Reinforcing knowledge and memory
Memory aid
Literacy activity
Classification and comprehension
Mindfulness and relaxation
© PuzzlesandPencils
Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, literacy activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness colouring page for kids and adults.